GFA - Global Focus Aotearoa
GFA stands for Global Focus Aotearoa
Here you will find, what does GFA stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Global Focus Aotearoa? Global Focus Aotearoa can be abbreviated as GFA What does GFA stand for? GFA stands for Global Focus Aotearoa. What does Global Focus Aotearoa mean?Global Focus Aotearoa is an expansion of GFA
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Alternative definitions of GFA
- Gross Floor Area
- Gross Floor Area
- Goals For Average
- Good Friday Agreement
- Gust Front Detection Algorithm
- Greens Farms Academy
- Gospel for Asia
- Gliding Federation of Australia
View 68 other definitions of GFA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GNRW Global Network for Rural Women
- Global Voice Global Network on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm
- GPM Global Peace Messengers
- GVN Global Volunteer Network
- GC GoodCompany
- GL Gould League
- GV GoVolunteer
- GCG Graduate Consulting Group
- GEMI Grassroots EmpowerMent Inc.
- GIIA Green Innovations Inc. of Australia
- GA Greenpeace Australia
- GALA Group Against Liquor Advertising
- GCA Gun Control Australia
- GLASOG Federacion Lationamericana de Sociedades de Obstetricia y Ginecologia
- GVP Genesis Volunteer Program
- GFSFNS Global Forum on Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security
- GMF Grameen Mendoza Foundation
- GLHEMA Groupo Latinoamericano de Hemaferesis
- GRUDE Grupo De Defesa Ecologica
- GEGE Grupo de Evangelizacao Gotas de Esperanca